18 March 2024

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Round 2 of our Fishing Course is well under way. Students are working with Top Cast Angling ahead of our visits to the local fishery. This week: Health and safety and line prep! Preparing for a successful fishing trip involves more than just baiting a hook and casting a line. Understanding health and safety measures on the water is crucial for a smooth and enjoyable experience. Our students are diving into the essentials of staying safe while fishing, from proper handling of equipment to being aware of their surroundings. In addition, mastering the art of line preparation is key to maximizing their chances of reeling in a big catch. With guidance from Top Cast Angling, our students are honing their skills in setting up lines effectively, ensuring they are ready for any type of fish that comes their way. Stay tuned for more updates as our Fishing Course continues to reel in knowledge and excitement!

Boost Club - Fishing

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