Curriculum Overview
Our intent, underpinned by PROUD, is to achieve and maintain the highest standards of learning and personal responsibility within a caring and secure atmosphere, in which all members of the school family – students, staff, parents, governors and community – are valued.
Our curriculum is broad, rich and ambitious for all students. Students develop the knowledge and cultural capital that they need to succeed in life. We use the curriculum to address disadvantage and provide equality of opportunity. The curriculum in each subject area follows the national curriculum and is carefully planned and sequenced so that students build knowledge cumulatively. Subjects are taught by specialists who maintain high standards of teaching and learning as a result of focused and regular high-quality professional development.
Throughout Key Stage 3, students have the opportunity to study a broad range of subjects. We encourage students to be curious learners, to ask questions and to love the subjects that they are taught. All students receive independent and up to date careers guidance throughout the school. This ensures that they are in a strong position to make appropriate choices for their GCSE options and are well informed about the different pathways available to them post 16. Our GCSE curriculum is ambitious, inclusive, challenging and relevant. In line with the government’s ambition, the EBacc is central to the key stage 4 curriculum and all students have the opportunity to study a language, history and geography as well as the core subjects of maths, English and science. We ensure that the curriculum is flexible to meet the needs of students who may require a personalised approach or an alternative pathway.
We provide students with guidance for their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development so that they are equipped to play a full, active and purposeful part in modern society. We nurture each student’s unique sense of identity and belonging relating, but not limited, to their interests, faith, gender, sexuality, cultural heritage, history, beliefs or communities and promote tolerance, individual liberty and mutual respect. We promote confidence and resilience, so students are able to navigate the challenges of modern life, recognising their strengths and weaknesses and communicating effectively when they need support or guidance. We encourage an understanding of how good physical and mental health are central to a happy life and how students can maintain their well-being in all its dimensions, equipping them with the knowledge they need to stay safe, including staying safe online, and to communicate when this is not the case.
We approach education holistically. Students can access opportunities to experience the wider world around them through educational visits, external visitors and experience of higher education. Our timetable of extra-curricular provision under the banner of BOOST Clubs (Building On Our School Time) allows students to take part in a wide variety of activities, learn new skills and enjoy competition.
Our intent is summarised in the statement ‘Inspiring minds, growing learners’.
Based on a 25 period week and with each lesson lasting 1 hour, students follow the curriculum below.
Key stage 3 |
Key stage 4 |
Year 7 & 8 |
Year 9 |
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
3 lessons for each of 3 options at least one of which must be chosen from this list:
Other options are:
3 lessons for each of 3 options at least one of which must be chosen from this list:
Other options are:
For more information regarding the curriculum, please contact Mrs Hoyle, Deputy Headteacher,