Why learn Science?
What are the world’s problems? Who is going to solve them? Science is important because it give us an understanding of the world around us and allows us to think logically to solve a problem. It aims to stimulate our natural curiosity in finding out why things happen in the way they do. It equips us with not only knowledge, but essential skills such as critical thinking, analysing, decision making, problem solving and evaluating. Studying science opens a whole world of possibilities where the skills you learn are transferable to many different career pathways. It can open the door to many STEM related careers such as engineering, architecture, medicine, agriculture, cosmetics, building and construction.
Science Curriculum Overview
Please click the year group and half-term to view additional information.
Half Term 1 |
Knowledge |
Introduction to Science Skills |
Chemistry: Particle Model How does the arrangement of the particles affect the properties of the substance? |
Biology: Cells What are we made of? |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Science Skills: Safety Equipment, Bunsen Burners, Rounding, Averages, Percentages, Identifying Variables, Plotting Graphics, Extrapolating Data. |
Particle Model: Investigating Solids, Liquids and Gases, Changing state, Density. |
Cells: Microscopes, Animal Cells, Plant Cells, Specialised Cells, Diffusion, Bacterial Cells. |
Links to prior learning |
KS2 Living Things |
Habitats |
KS2 Animals, Including Humans |
Assessment |
Particle Model CAP |
Cells CAP |
Half Term 2 |
Knowledge |
Physics: Energy Transfers If energy cannot be destroyed where does it go? |
Biology: Movement How does our body move? |
Chemistry: Elements and Compounds Everything in the world is made from tiny particles called atoms. But how can these atoms combine to form different substances? |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Energy Transfers: Different Types of Energy, Energy Transfers, Energy Stores, Wasted Energy, Efficiency. |
Movement: The Skeleton, Muscles, Joints, Dissection. |
Elements and Compounds: Atoms, Elements and Compounds, Investigating Elements and Compounds, Relative Formula Mass. |
Links to prior learning |
KS2 Animals, Including Humans |
Assessment |
Energy CAP |
Movement CAP |
Elements Compounds CAP |
Cumulative Science Exam |
Half Term 3 |
Knowledge |
Physics: Forces Q How can you make an object change speed, change shape or change direction? |
Physics: Pressure Q Why don’t camels sink into the sand in the desert? |
Biology: Breathing Q How does our body keep us alive? |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Contact Forces: Forces, Balanced and Unbalanced Forces, Resultant Forces. Floating and Sinking, Friction, Streamlining, Stretching. |
Pressure: Pressure, Pressure Calculations, Pressure in Fluids. |
Breathing: Breathing System, How we Breath, Investigating Height and Lung Volume, Breathing Measurements. |
Links to prior learning |
KS2 Forces |
KS2 Forces and Magnets |
KS2 Animals, Including Humans |
Assessment |
Forces CAP |
Pressure CAP |
Breathing CAP |
Half Term 4 |
Knowledge |
Chemistry Chemical Reactions: Everything in the world is made from tiny particles called atoms. What happens to these atoms when substances react together? |
Physics: The Universe and Gravity How can the movement of objects in space explain life experiences for us on Earth? |
Biology: Digestion What happens to the food that we eat? |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Chemical Reactions: Chemical and Physical Changes, Combustion, Thermal Decomposition, Displacement, Conservation of Mass, Balancing Equations, Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions, Catalysts. |
The Universe: Mass vs Weight, Gravity, Stars and Galaxies, The Solar System, Eclipses, Days and Nights, Seasons, Space Exploration. |
Digestion: Food Groups and Balanced Diets, The Digestive System, Enzymes, Energy in Food. |
Links to prior learning |
KS2 Properties and Changes of Materials |
KS2 Earth and Space |
KS2 Forces |
KS2 Animals, Including Humans |
Year 7 Cells |
Assessment |
Chemical Reactions CAP |
Universe CAP |
Digestion Cap |
Half Term 5 |
Knowledge |
Physics: Waves and Sound How are we able to hear so many different notes being played on a musical instrument? |
Chemistry: Atomic Structure and The Periodic Table Everything in the world is made from tiny particles called atoms, but what are atoms made from? |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Waves and Sound: Types of Waves, Wave Calculations, The Electromagnetic Spectrum, Investigating Sounds, Sound Waves, Hearing Sounds, The Ear, Hearing Problems. Ultrasound. |
Atomic Structure: Atomic Structure, Electron Configuration, History of the Atom. Structure of the Periodic Table, History of the Periodic Table, Group 1, Group 7, Group 0. |
Links to prior learning |
KS2 Sound |
Year 7 Particle Model |
Year 7 Eelements and Compounds |
Assessment |
Waves and Sound CAP |
Atomic Structure CAP |
Half Term 6 |
Knowledge |
Biology: Human Reproduction Where does life begin? |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Human Reproduction: Reproductive Organs, Menstrual Cycle, Fertilisation, Foetal Development. |
Links to prior learning |
KS2 Living Things and Habitats |
KS2 Animals, Including Humans |
Assessment |
Reproduction CAP |
End of Year Exam |
Half Term 1 |
Knowledge |
Biology: Movement How does our body move? |
Biology: Digestion What happens to the food that we eat? |
Physics: Energy Transfers If energy cannot be destroyed where does it go? |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Movement: The Skeleton, Muscles, Joints, Dissection, Arthritis. |
Digestion: Food Groups and Balanced Diets, The Digestive System, Enzymes, Energy in Food, Orange Juice Titration. |
Energy Transfers: Different Types of Energy, Energy Transfers, Energy Stores, Wasted Energy, Efficiency. |
Links to prior learning |
Year 7 Cells |
Year 7 Respiration |
KS2 Animals, Including Humans |
Assessment |
Movement CAP |
Digestion CAP |
Energy CAP |
Half Term 2 |
Knowledge |
Physics: Energy Costs How much does it cost to run a home? |
Chemistry: Atomic Structure Everything in the world is made from tiny particles called atoms, but what are atoms made from? |
Chemistry: Periodic Table What does the position of an element on the periodic table tell you about the element? |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Energy Costs: Energy Resources, Alternative Energy Resources, Joule Island, Energy Usage, Electricity Bills, Energy in Food. |
Atomic Structure: Atomic Structure, Electron Configuration, History of the Atom. |
Periodic Table: Structure of the Periodic Table, History of the Periodic Table, Group 1, Group 7, Group 0. |
Links to prior learning |
Year 7 Particle Model |
Year 7 Elements and Compounds |
Assessment |
Energy Costs CAP |
Atomic Structure CAP |
Periodic Table CAP |
Half Term 3 |
Knowledge |
Physics: The Universe How can the movement of objects in space explain life experiences for us on Earth? |
Biology: Inheritance, Variation and Evolution Where do our differences come from? Where does a new species come from? |
Skills / application of knowledge |
The Universe: Stars and Galaxies, The Solar System, Eclipses, Days and Nights, Seasons, Space Exploration. |
Inheritance, Variation and Evolution: Causes of Variation, Continuous and Discontinuous Variation, Natural Selection, Darwin’s Finches, Extinction, Biodiversity. |
Links to prior learning |
KS2 Evolution and Inheritance |
KS2 Living Things and Habitats |
KS2 Earth and Space |
KS2 Forces |
Assessment |
Universe CAP |
Inheritance CAP |
Cumulative Science Exam |
Half Term 4 |
Knowledge |
Physics: Forces How can you make an object change speed, change shape or change direction? |
Physics: Speed How do you know how fast you are travelling on a journey? |
Physics: Pressure Why don’t camels sink into the sand in the desert? |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Contact Forces: Forces, Balanced and Unbalanced Forces, Resultant Forces. Floating and Sinking, Friction, Streamlining, Stretching. |
Speed: Resultant Forces, Calculating Speed, Investigating Speed, Distance Speed Graphs. |
Pressure: Pressure, Pressure Calculations, Pressure in Fluids, Hydraulics. |
Links to prior learning |
KS2 Forces |
KS2 Forces and Magnets |
Assessment |
Forces CAP |
Speed CAP |
Pressure CAP |
Half Term 5 |
Knowledge |
Chemistry: Chemical Reactions and Energy Everything in the world is made from tiny particles called atoms. What happens to these atoms when substances react together? |
Chemistry: Acids and Alkalis A bee sting is acidic and a wasp sting is alkaline – or is it the other way round? How can we find out? |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Chemical Reactions and Energy: Chemical and Physical Changes, Combustion, Thermal Decomposition, Displacement, Conservation of Mass, Balancing Equations. Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions, Catalysts, Energy Levels. |
Acids and Alkalis: Identifying Acids and Alkalis, The pH scale, Making an Indicator, Neutralisation, Applications of Neutralisation. |
Links to prior learning |
KS2 Properties and changes of materials |
Year 7 Metals |
Assessment |
Chemical Reactions CAP |
Acids and Akali CAP |
Half Term 6 |
Knowledge |
Biology: Photosynthesis Could humans survive without plants? |
Biology: Interdependence Why is biodiversity important? |
Physics: Wave Properties and Wave Effects What is the Electromagnetic Spectrum and why are the parts of it both useful and dangerous? |
Physics: Heating and Cooling How can heat be transferred? |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Photosynthesis: Photosynthesis, Structure of the Leaf, Testing a Leaf for Starch, Rate of Photosynthesis. |
Interdependence: Food Chains, Food Webs, Factors Affecting Populations, Bioaccumulation. |
Heating and Cooling: Heat and Temperature, Conduction, Convection, Radiation, Insulation, Specific Heat Capacity. |
Wave Properties and Wave Effects: Types of Waves, Wave Calculations, The Electromagnetic Spectrum, Ultrasound. |
Links to prior learning |
KS2 Plants |
KS2 Living things and habitats |
KS2 Animals, Including Humans |
Assessment |
Photosynthesis CAP |
End of Year Exam |
Half Term 1 |
Knowledge |
Biology Cells and Microscopes |
Chemistry Atoms, Elements, Compounds and Mixtures |
Physics Waves Particle Model |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Cells and Microscopes: Animal Cells, Plant Cells, Bacterial Cells, Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Cells, Organisation, Microscope Calculations, Using microscopes |
Atom Elements, Compounds and Mixtures: Atoms, Elements, Compounds, Mixtures, Pure Substances, Chemical Formula, Naming Compounds, Balancing Equations. |
Particle Model: States of Matter, Internal Energy, Changing States, Chemical and Physical Changes. |
Links to prior learning |
Year 7 Cells |
Year 7 Respiration |
KS2 Animals, Including Humans |
Assessment |
Cells and Microscopes CAP |
Atoms Elements and Compounds CAP |
Particle Model CAP |
Half Term 2 |
Knowledge |
Biology Cells and Transport Digestion and Enzymes |
Chemistry Separation Techniques |
Physics Density Gas Pressure |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Cells and Transport: Organisation, Microscope Calculations, Using microscopes, Plant Structure. |
Separation Techniques: Filtration, Crystallisation, Distillation, Chromatography. |
Density: Density Calculations, Finding the Density of Regular Objects and Liquids, Finding the Density of Irregular Objects |
Gas Pressure: Pressure in Gases, Changing Pressure in Gases, Boyles Law. |
Links to prior learning |
Year 7 Particle Model |
Year 7 Elements and Compounds |
Assessment |
Cells and Transport CAP |
Separating Techniques CAP |
Density and Gas Pressure CAP |
Half Term 3 |
Knowledge |
Biology Digestion and Enzymes |
Chemistry The Periodic Table and Atomic Structure |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Digestion and Enzymes: Food Tests. |
The Periodic Table and Atomic Structure: History of the Periodic Table, Atomic Structure, Electron Configuration, Isotopes, History of the Atom. |
Links to prior learning |
KS2 Evolution and Inheritance |
KS2 Living Things and Habitats |
KS2 Earth and Space |
KS2 Forces |
Assessment |
Digestion and Enzymes CAP |
Periodic Table and Atomic Structure CAP |
Circuits CAP |
Cumulative Science Exam |
Half Term 4 |
Knowledge |
Chemistry Ions and Ionic Bonding |
Physics Electricity |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Ions and Ionic Bonding: Forming Ions, Ionic Bonding, Ionic Formula. |
Electricity: Circuit Components, Series Circuits, Parallel Circuits, V=IR, Resistance of a Wire; Q=It, E=QV. |
Links to prior learning |
Year 7 Voltage, Current and Resistance |
Year 8 Digestion |
Year 8 Atomic Structure |
Assessment |
Food Tests CAP |
Ionic Bonding CAP |
Resistance CAP |
Half Term 5 |
Knowledge |
Biology Health and Disease |
Chemistry Covalent Bonding Conservation of mass |
Physics Atomic Structure Radioactivity |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Chemical Reactions and Energy: Chemical and Physical Changes, Combustion, Thermal Decomposition, Displacement, Conservation of Mass, Balancing Equations. Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions, Catalysts, Energy Levels. |
Acids and Alkalis: Identifying Acids and Alkalis, The pH scale, Making an Indicator, Neutralisation, Applications of Neutralisation. |
Links to prior learning |
Year 9 Cell Structure |
Year 7 Metals |
Year 7 Earth's Resources |
Year 8 Atomic Structure |
Year 8 Chemical Reactions |
Assessment |
Health and Disease CAP 1 |
Covalent Bonding CAP |
Radioactivity CAP |
Half Term 6 |
Knowledge |
Biology Health and Disease |
Chemistry Metal Extraction |
Physics Uses and Dangers of Radioactivity |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Photosynthesis: Photosynthesis, Structure of the Leaf, Testing a Leaf for Starch, Rate of Photosynthesis. |
Interdependence: Food Chains, Food Webs, Factors Affecting Populations, Bioaccumulation. |
Heating and Cooling: Heat and Temperature, Conduction, Convection, Radiation, Insulation, Specific Heat Capacity. |
Wave Properties and Wave Effects: Types of Waves, Wave Calculations, The Electromagnetic Spectrum, Ultrasound. |
Links to prior learning |
Year 7 Energy Transfers |
Year 8 Periodic Table |
Year 9 Cell Structure |
Assessment |
Health and Disease CAP 2 |
End of Year Exams |
Half Term 1 |
Knowledge |
Biology Organisation in the Body |
Chemistry The Three States of matter Groups in the Periodic Table |
Physics Energy |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Organisation in the Body: Heart, Blood, Blood Vessels, Treating Heart Disease, Lungs, Alveoli. |
The Three States of Matter: The Three States of Matter, Changing State, Heating Curve Graphs, Cooling Curve Graphs. |
Groups in the Periodic Table: Structure of the Periodic Table, Group 1 Metals, Group 7 Elements, Group 0 Elements. |
Energy: Energy Resources, Conservation of Energy, Ep=Ek, Elastic Potential Energy, Efficiency, Work done, Specific Heat Capacity, Power, Energy Resources. |
Links to prior learning |
Year 7 Breathing |
Year 7 Particle Model |
Year 8 Periodic Table |
Year 8 Energy Transfers |
Year 9 Health and Disease |
Assessment |
Organisation Topic Test |
Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table Topic Test |
Energy Topic Test |
Half Term 2 |
Knowledge |
Biology Respiration |
Chemistry Reactions of Acids and Making Salts |
Physics Electricity |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Respiration: Respiration, Respiration and Exercise, Anaerobic Respiration, Metabolism. |
Reactions of Acids and Making Salts: Neutralisation, Acid Reactions, Making a Salt, Titration, Concentration Calculations, The pH scale, Strong and Weak Acids, Redox Reactions. |
Links to prior learning |
Year 7 Breathing |
Year 7 Respiration |
Year 7 Particle Model |
Year 7 Energy Costs |
Year 8 Periodic Table |
Year 9 Health and Disease |
Assessment |
Cumulative Science Exams |
Half Term 3 |
Knowledge |
Biology Bioenergetics |
Chemistry Ionic Compounds Metals |
Physics Electricity |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Bioenergetics: Structure of a Leaf, Limiting Factors, Rate of Photosynthesis, Uses of Glucose, Osmosis, Transpiration, Plant Disease and Defences, Plant Hormones. |
Ionic Compounds: Ionic Bonding, Properties of Ionic Compounds. |
Metals: Metallic Bonding, Alloys, Corrosion and its Prevention, Oxidation and Reduction. |
Electricity: IV Characteristics, Sensing Circuits, Resistors in Series; Mains Electricity, Power of Appliances, The National Grid. |
Links to prior learning |
Year 8 Photosynthesis |
Year 8 Interdependence |
Year 8 Acids and Alkalis |
Year 9 Cells and Microscopes (Plant Structure) |
Year 9 Electricity |
Assessment |
Chemical Changes Topic Test |
Electricity Topic Test |
Half Term 4 |
Knowledge |
Biology Bioenergetics |
Chemistry Covalent Molecules |
Physics Forces |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Bioenergetics: Structure of a Leaf, Limiting Factors, Rate of Photosynthesis, Uses of Glucose, Osmosis, Transpiration, Plant Disease and Defences, Plant Hormones. |
Covalent Molecules: Covalent Bonding, Properties of Covalent Molecules, Diamond and Graphite, Fullerenes, Nanoparticles. |
Forces: Scalars and Vectors, Interacting Forces, Gravity, Resultant Forces; Centre of Mass, Moments, Forces and Elasticity. |
Links to prior learning |
Year 8 Photosynthesis |
Year 8 Interdependence |
Year 9 Cells and Microscopes (Plant Structure) |
Year 9 Ionic Bonding |
Year 9 Metal Extraction |
Year 9 Electricity |
Assessment |
Bioenergetics Topic Test |
Structures and Bonding Topic Test |
Half Term 5 |
Knowledge |
Biology Nervous and Endocrine System |
Chemistry Rates of Reaction |
Physics Forces and Motion |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Nervous and Endocrine System: Reflexes, Reflex Arcs, Reaction Time Practical, Endocrine System. |
Rates of Reaction: Collision Theory, Factors Affecting the Rate of Reaction, Catalysts, Measuring the Rate of a Reaction, Rate of Reaction Graphs. |
Forces and motion: Newton’s laws, speed, distance, acceleration, velocity, d-t graphs, v-t graphs; momentum; stopping distances |
Links to prior learning |
Year 8 Photosynthesis |
Year 8 Interdependence |
Year 8 Contact Forces |
Year 9 Cells and Microscopes (Plant Structure) |
Year 9 Covalent Bonding |
Assessment |
Nervous and Endocrine System Topic Test |
Rates of Reaction Topic Test |
Half Term 6 |
Knowledge |
Biology Homeostasis and Response |
Chemistry Chemical Energy Reversible Reactions and Dynamic Equilibrium |
Physics Forces and Motion |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Homeostasis and response Chemical energy Reversible Reactions and Dynamic Equilibrium: Reversible Reactions, Dynamic Equilibrium, The Haber Process, Lab Preparation of Fertilisers, Industrial Preparation of Fertilisers, NPK Fertilisers. |
Forces and motion: Newton’s laws, speed, distance, acceleration, velocity, d-t graphs, v-t graphs; momentum; stopping distances |
Links to prior learning |
Year 8 Contact Forces |
Year 10 Organisation in the Body |
Year 10 The Three States of Matter |
Assessment |
Paper 1 End of Year Exams |
Half Term 1 |
Knowledge |
Biology Inheritance and Variation |
Chemistry Chemical Cells and Fuel Cells (Triple only) Moles and Calculations Reversible Reactions and Dynamic Equilibrium |
Physics Waves |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Inheritance and Variation: DNA Structure, Variation, Protein Synthesis, Mendel’s Work, Inherited disorders, Embryo screening, Stem Cells. |
Chemical Cells and Fuel Cells: Chemical Cells, Hydrogen Fuel Cells. |
Moles and Calculations: Relative Formula Mass, Moles, Calculating Missing Masses, Limiting Reactants, Percentage Yield, Atom Economy, Molar Gas Volumes. |
Reversible Reactions and Dynamic Equilibrium: Reversible Reactions, Dynamic Equilibrium, The Haber Process, Lab Preparation of Fertilisers, Industrial Preparation of Fertilisers, NPK Fertilisers. |
Waves: Features of Waves, Properties of Waves, Waves Required Practical, Waves in a Solid, Reflection, Refraction, Lenses, Sound, Wave Imaging, The Electromagnetic Spectrum, Infra-Red, Blackbody Radiation. |
Links to prior learning |
Year 7 Breathing |
Year 7 Particle Model |
Year 8 Periodic Table |
Year 8 Energy Transfers |
Year 9 Health and Disease |
Assessment |
Inheritance and variation Topic Test |
Rate and extent of Chemical Change Topic Test |
Waves Topic Test |
Half Term 2 |
Knowledge |
Biology Evolution and Speciation |
Chemistry Organic Chemistry Pollutants Early Earth |
Physics Magnetism and Electromagnetism |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Evolution and Speciation: Evolution, Mutations, Speciation, Antibiotic Resistance, Fossils, Extinction, Selective Breeding, Animal Cloning, Plant Cloning, Classification. |
Organic Chemistry: Crude Oil, Fractional Distillation, Cracking, Combustion, Polymers, Alcohols, Carboxylic Acids, Esters, Condensation Polymers. |
Pollutants: Problems with Combustion, Global Warming, Acid Rain, Global Dimming, Human Activities, The Carbon Footprint. |
Early Earth: Evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere. |
Magnetism and Electromagnetism: Magnetic Fields, Electromagnets, Motor Effect, Electric Motors. |
Links to prior learning |
Year 7 Breathing |
Year 7 Respiration |
Year 7 Particle Model |
Year 7 Energy Costs |
Year 8 Periodic Table |
Year 9 Health and Disease |
Assessment |
Evolution Topic Test |
Organic Chemistry Topic Test |
Magnetism and Electromagnetism Topic Test |
Half Term 3 |
Knowledge |
Biology Ecology |
Chemistry Chemical Analysis Earth's Resources |
Physics Space (Triple Only) |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Ecology: Ecosystems, Biotic and Abiotic Factors, Global Warming, Pollution, Bioaccumulation, Adaptations, Trophic Levels, Cycling of Materials, Sampling, Food Security, Decomposition. |
Chemical Analysis: Precipitate Tests, Ionic Equations, Flame Tests, Testing for Negative Ions, Testing Unknown Compounds, Instrumental Methods. |
Earth’s Resources: Sustainable Development, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Life Cycle Assessment, Ceramics, Polymers and Composites. |
Space: Lifecycle of Stars, Satellites, Redshift, Big Bang Theory. |
Links to prior learning |
Year 8 Photosynthesis |
Year 8 Interdependence |
Year 8 Acids and Alkalis |
Year 9 Cells and Microscopes (Plant Structure) |
Year 9 Electricity |
Assessment |
Paper 1 and Paper 2 MOCK Exams |
Half Term 4 |
Knowledge |
Biology Paper 1 and Paper 2 Revision and Exam Preparation |
Chemistry Portable Water |
Physics Paper 1 and Paper 2 Revision and Exam Preparation |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Potable Water: Ground Water Treatment, Salt-Water Treatment, Distillation, Reverse Osmosis, Analysing Water Samples, Waste Water Treatment. |
Links to prior learning |
Year 8 Photosynthesis |
Year 8 Interdependence |
Year 9 Cells and Microscopes (Plant Structure) |
Year 9 Ionic Bonding |
Year 9 Metal Extraction |
Year 9 Electricity |
Assessment |
GSCE's |
Half Term 5 |
Knowledge |
Biology Paper 1 and Paper 2 Revision and Exam Preparation |
Chemistry Paper 1 and Paper 2 Revision and Exam Preparation |
Physics Paper 1 and Paper 2 Revision and Exam Preparation |
Skills / application of knowledge |
Bespoke revision and exam preparation Informed by QLA and regular teacher assessment. |
Assessment |
GSCE's |