Our School Catering - Food Facts
Catering at Ashton Community Science College is provided by Lancashire County Council School and Residential Care Catering. We care about the food your child eats at lunchtime and constantly seek improvements to ingredients and menus.
Here are some facts:
- The caterers have been awarded a Silver Food for Life Catering Mark from the Soil Association. This means that they are required to produce at least 75% of the published menu from scratch daily.
- All the fresh, baked potatoes are grown in Lancashire.
- All the fresh yoghurt is low fat and is locally produced by Ann Forshaw Longridge.
- All the fresh produce is specified as Class 1. Wherever possible the policy is to use assured produce providing traceability from seed to plate.
- There are no Genetically Modified (GM) ingredients in any of the lunches.
- The fresh beef burgers are a healthy 100% beef grill.
- The cheese is animal rennet free and suitable for vegetarian and religious diets. The cheese is also locally sourced reduced fat and salt.
- The gravy and the fruit jelly are suitable for vegetarians.
- The jelly contains no artificial colour or flavour.
- The meat dishes do not contain any mechanically recovered (MRM) meat.
- The roast beef is from Cumbria and is best topside.
- By popular demand we include Quorn products within the menu.
- Wherever possible we use branded products such as Quorn, Whitby Scampi, Harry Ramsden’s Chip Shop Fish, Bird’s Eye fish fingers and Knorr gravy.
- Children test new recipes and products where practicable.
- The milk, pasta, rice and flour are Organic.
- The eggs are Lion Quality Assured, Free Range and Locally Sourced.
- All the fish is sourced from sustainable fisheries accredited by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).
- All fresh meat holds either Red Tractor or Farm Assured status.
- The pork sausages and pork meatballs are British and carry the British Pig Meat Quality Mark (BQAP).