Just to advise that Year 6 pupils who are currently entitled to Free School Meals will continue to do so when they transfer into Year 7 of Secondary School.

There is no need for the families to re-apply.

Welcome to our new Year 7 students

We are delighted that your child will be joining Ashton Community Science College in September.

Transition from primary to secondary school can be an exciting time for many children as they look forward to exploring life within their new school family. Having the opportunity to experience new subjects, participate in a wide variety of activities and to forge new friendships is a wonderful time in their young lives. 

We understand that whilst most students feel this way, some may experience nervousness at the thought of moving up to secondary school. We would like to reassure you that we will strive to ensure all children feel supported in their transition process and we will do our utmost to allay their worries or concerns.

How we prepare to welcome students to Ashton Community Science College:

April – June:

Mrs Barrow (Associate Assistant Headteacher - Transition) visits all primary schools. A meeting with Year 6 teachers allows us to gather information about each child and prepare an individual student profile for all. Mrs Barrow will then take the time to meet the students to discuss any concerns or worries and to answer any questions about moving up to high school.


From June onwards, some students take part in additional visits to Ashton. Children are nominated by primary colleagues for these sessions and they usually run hand in hand with the SEND department. In most cases, children attend the sessions in small groups with an emphasis on “getting to know you” activities and meeting key staff.

On Thursday 26th June 2025 at 6 pm, parents and students are invited to our Induction Evening.  A welcome talk is given by the Headteacher, followed by a series of short presentations delivered by senior staff.  During the speeches, children will be allocated their new form group and house and will be introduced to their form teacher. They will spend the evening taking part in ice-breaker activities with their new classmates. This allows the children to feel more settled about attending the Induction day in July.
This is a key meeting for both parents and children. We encourage you to do your utmost to attend and if possible leave other children at home, since space is limited.


Monday 30th June 2025 is our Year 6 Induction Day.  All year 6 students spend the day with us, giving them a taste of high school life. The Headteacher and all form tutors will meet the children in the morning, before setting each class off on an exciting range of timetabled lessons for the day.  Extra-curricular clubs will be offered in free time to help the children make the most out of their day.  A final year group assembly will be held at the end of the day to celebrate their achievements and to wish them well for their final weeks in primary school.

During the Summer:

All students will be given a transition booklet on their induction day providing activities from each subject department.  Your child is asked to work their way through these tasks during the six-week break and have it ready for return on their first day in September.


In September the school will be open to all students on Tuesday 2nd September 2025. They will spend time within their tutor groups getting to know each other, going through routines and expectations.  Students will also follow their timetable and take part in lessons.

Without doubt, starting at a new school often raises lots of questions for both students and their parents. To help make the whole process as easy and enjoyable as possible we have developed a transition “contact us” facility, where you can email any concerns or questions you may have. 

In the meantime - please see our ‘top tips’ for preparing your child for transition – we have always found these to be a very useful starting point:

Top Tips:

  • Parents – help your child to get organised. Be supportive but guide them into doing things independently. Try not to do anything for your child that they are capable of doing for themselves!
  • Packing your bag, the night before is really useful, particularly on busy days where your child may also need additional equipment e.g. PE kit, cooking ingredients.
  • Check you always have the correct equipment – packs are available to buy from school and it is an expectation that every child has equipment with them at all times.
  • Set good homework routines. Check into School Synergy each evening with your child. This helps to spread the workload, manage the tasks set and hand the work in on time.
  • Always have a reading book of your choice in your bag. We are a reading school and time is built into every day for you to enjoy your latest read!
  • Label all uniform e.g. coats and kit with your name and tutor group – they are very expensive to replace when lost!
  • Encourage your child to join an extra-curricular club. They may discover a hidden talent and it really helps to make new friends.
  • Never be afraid to ask for support – that is why we are here!  No problem is too small. Your child’s form tutor, Head of Year or Mrs Barker (transition officer) will always be more than happy to help.

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