Why learn PSHE, RSE & Citizenship?

PSHE at ACSC provides students with the opportunities to reflect on their own experiences and empathise with those of others. It helps students to understand and manage a range of relationships, both within and outside the school environment, and how to adapt as they mature. Students will also know the importance of showing respect for the diversity and differences between people.

The curriculum also develops students’ well-being and self-esteem encouraging belief in their ability to succeed and enabling them to take responsibility for their learning and future choice of courses and career. 

All students study PSHE for one hour per week. It is a non-examined subject which is considered paramount to our student’s personal development and health and well-being. PSHE helps students to develop life skills to ensure they are well prepared to respect and contribute to the wider society and life in Britain. High expectations are set for the promotion of tolerance, understanding and appreciation of the diverse communities in which we live.

The key British Values lie at the heart of all we do and all students transpose these values into their books at the start of the academic year and make reference to them at the end of each half term, demonstrating which values have a clear link to the topic studied.

The values are:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

Within our PSHE provision will also ensure the national statutory requirements are covered which include:

Statutory Health and Mental Wellbeing Education

  • Mental wellbeing
  • Internet safety and harms
  • Physical health and fitness
  • Healthy eating
  • Drugs, alcohol and tobacco
  • Health and prevention
  • Basic first aid
  • Changing adolescent body

Statutory Relationships and Sex Education

  • Families
  • Respectful relationships, including friendships
  • Online media
  • Being safe
  • Intimate and sexual relationships, including sexual health

Additional topics studied in PSHE

  • Citizenship
  • Personal Finance
  • Enterprise 
  • Gangs
  • Knife Crime

PSHE Curriculum Overview

Please click the year group and half-term to view additional information.

Half Term 1
Topic: Life as an ACSC Student
(Rights Responsibilities + BV, Diversity + Equality, Relationships, Health and Wellbeing)
Life as an ACSC student
Transition - primary to secondary
Expectations / The Ashton Way
British Values introduction
Important relationships – friendship
British Values - Young Citizens
Supporting school transitions | Resources | YoungMinds
Respectful relationships: Respect and friendship
Half Term 2
Topic: Bullying & Discrimination
(Rights Responsibilities + BV, Diversity + Equality, Relationships, Staying Safe online + offline, Health and Wellbeing)
Bullying and discrimination.
The Equality Act
Types of bullying
Types of discrimination
Types of harassment
An introduction to the Equality Act 2010 (youtube.com)
Unit: Respectful relationships: Stereotypes and bullying | KS3 RSHE (PSHE) | Oak National Academy (thenational.academy)
The Colour of my Skin - Real stories of racism in the UK - BBC Teach
Half Term 4
Topic: Dangers of substance abuse
(Rights Responsibilities + BV, Staying Safe, Health and Wellbeing)
Dangers of substance abuse - alcohol, tobacco, drugs and vaping
Laws associated with different substances 
Impact of addiction
Peer pressure
Unit: Drugs and alcohol: Smoking and Alcohol | KS3 RSHE (PSHE) | Oak National Academy (thenational.academy)
Half Term 5
Topic: Managing Risks
(Staying Safe, Health and Wellbeing)
Managing risk
Burns and scalds
Open water
Water Safety Advice And Tips - Know The Risks (rnli.org)
Safety education - Network Rail
THINK! – Road safety
Half Term 6
Topic: Charities
(Rights Responsibilities + BV, Diversity + Equality, Health and Wellbeing, Life Beyond School)
Charities - the reasons they are needed
Community initiatives
Positive impact of charity 
Impact of volunteering
Employability skills
Q1 | Discover your skills and careers | National Careers Service

Half Term 1
Topic: Healthy Body, Healthy Mind & Healthy Relationships
(Diversity + Equality, Relationships, Staying Safe online + offline, Staying Safe online + offline,  Health and Wellbeing)
Body confidence
Dangers of social media / online trolling
Self-harm introduction
Healthy Life Style
Eating well
Screen time / Online game addiction
Importance of exercise
KS2 / KS3 PSHE: An exploration of mental health issues - BBC Teach
Your Body, Your Image - BBC Teach
Football, Prince William and Our Mental Health - BBC Teach
Unit: Mental wellbeing: Talking about emotions | KS3 RSHE (PSHE) | Oak National Academy (thenational.academy)
Mental wellbeing: Common types of ill health
Half Term 2
Topic: Knife Crime & Gangs
(Rights Responsibilities + BV, Relationships, Staying Safe)
Knife crime / gangs
Dangers of joining gangs
Laws associated with knife crime
County lines
Coercive control / peer pressure
Lesson: County Lines
Half Term 3
Topic: Modern Families
(Rights Responsibilities + BV, Diversity + Equality, Relationships, Life Beyond School)
Modern Families
Forced / Arranged
Domestic abuse
Families: Stable relationships and marriage
Half Term 4 & Half Term 5 
Topic: Skills and Qualities for life
(Life Beyond School)
Skills and qualities for life
Essential skills - transferable skills
Personal branding - physically and online
Self awareness
Money management
Managing your ins and outs - Financial decisions - GCSE Learning for Life and Work (CCEA) Revision - BBC Bitesize
Q1 | Discover your skills and careers | National Careers Service
Careers - BBC Bitesize
Half Term 6
Topic: Basic First Aid
(Staying Safe online + offline, Health and Wellbeing)
Keeping safe
Keeping others sage
Treatment for common injuries
Administering CPR
Defibrilators and how to use them
Dr Emeka’s Essential First Aid - BBC Teach
Unit: First aid | KS3 RSHE (PSHE) | Oak National Academy (thenational.academy)

Half Term 1
Topic: Politics & Parliament
Rights Responsibilities + BV, Diversity + Equality,  Relationships, Life Beyond School)
The role of citizens in the UK
Politics & parliament within the UK and beyond
The role of the monarch and links to parliament
Voting and elections - politcal parties
Mutual respect and understanding 
Free KS3 Citizenship teaching resources | Oak National Academy (thenational.academy)
Free KS4 Citizenship teaching resources | Oak National Academy (thenational.academy)


Half Term 2
Topic: Heart Stopper
(Rights Responsibilities + BV, Diversity + Equality, Relationships, Staying Safe online + offline, Health and Wellbeing)
The Equality Act 2010
An introduction to the Equality Act 2010 (youtube.com)
Half Term 4
Topic: Online Safety
(Relationships, Staying Safe online + offline,  Health and Wellbeing)
Online Media / Safety
Online Grooming
Digital Footprints
 KS3 / KS4 Computing: Online Grooming - BBC Teach
Unit: Online and media: Indecent image sharing | KS3 RSHE (PSHE) | Oak National Academy (thenational.academy)
Lesson: Pornography and the law | KS4 RSHE (PSHE) | Oak National Academy (thenational.academy)


Half Term 5 & 6
Topic: Extremism
(Rights Responsibilities + BV, Diversity + Equality, Relationships, Staying Safe online + offline)
What is extremism?
What is terrorism?
Signs of radicalisation
The laws associated with extremism and terrorist acts
Radicalisation and child protection | NSPCC Learning
Advice For Young People | Counter Terrorism Policing


Half Term 1
Career Management
(Life Beyond School)
Post 16 Options
A - Levels 
T Levels
Understanding the purpose of a CV/ personal statement
KS3 PSHE: Growth mindset case studies - BBC Teach
Portal – Lancashire Careers Information – Lancashire Careers Hub
Careerometer – LMI For All
Half Term 2
Independent Life/Finance Skills
(Rights Responsibilities + BV, Staying Safe online + offline, Life Beyond School)
Independent life skills
Financial skills
Credit cards / loans
Half Term 3
RE - Religion and Life
(Rights Responsibilities + BV, Diversity + Equality, Relationships )
What is meant by good and evil?
The causes of crime
Types of crime
Law versus sin
The aims of punishment
Christian attitudes to crime and punishment
Forgiveness in Islam and Christianity
The aims of specific punishments
Corporal punishment
Capital punishment
Matters of life and death - BBC Teach
Half Term 4 & 5
(Relationships, Staying Safe online + offline, Health and Wellbeing)
Drugs – illegal and legal
Other types of addiction eg gaming, shopping 
Unit: Drugs and alcohol: Prescription and illegal drugs | KS3 RSHE (PSHE) | Oak National Academy (thenational.academy)
Half Term 6
Dangerous Relationships - (Pre & Post WEX lessons)
(Rights Responsibilities + BV, Diversity + Equality,  Relationships, Staying Safe online + offline)
Workplace harrassment 
Coercive control 
Dometic violence
KS4 PSHE: Is this sexual harassment? - BBC Teach
Is this coercive control? - BBC Teach
Lesson: Domestic violence | KS3 RSHE (PSHE) | Oak National Academy (thenational.academy)
Lesson: Harassment, abuse and rape | KS3 RSHE (PSHE) | Oak National Academy (thenational.academy)

Half Term 1 and Half Term 2
Topic: CV/Personal Statement
(Life Beyond School)
Post 16 research
Post 16 providers
Post 16 pathways
Personal statement
College application
Interview preperation
CV advice | National Careers Service
Preston College
Myerscough College | Inspiring Excellence
Welcome to Cardinal Newman College
Runshaw College – Further and Higher Education
Where your future matters - Training 2000
How to ace your UK college interview : Unifrog Blog
Half Term 3 and Half Term 4
Topic: RE - Religion and Life
(Rights Responsibilities + BV, Diversity + Equality,  Relationships, Life Beyond School)
The meaning of life
What is the Christian response to origins of the universe?
Are scientific and religious views of the origin of the universe compatible?
How does a belief in God affect how we treat the planet?
How does a belief in God affect what we eat?
Does a belief in God encourage animal testing?
What are the religious answers to the origins of human life?
Does a foetus have a right to life?
Does a person have a right to die?
Matters of life and death - BBC Teach
Half Term 5
Topic: Life after ACSC
(Rights Responsibilities + BV, Relationships, Staying Safe online + offline, Health and Wellbeing)
Mental health
Sex and relationships recap
Discrimination / Equality Act 2010
Becoming an adult
Stephen Lawrence: The murder that changed a nation - BBC Teach