The Student Council and The Big Question

We believe that providing our students with an opportunity to voice their opinions and concerns is vital. It not only allows them to make the changes they are passionate about within our school, but also practise the use of the fundamental British Value of democracy.

Our School Council is made up of a wide range of stakeholders from across our school family. The structure allows for issues to be discussed at all levels of our school, and we ensure the discussion points, impact and outcomes go full circle.

The Big Question provides an opportunity for all students to have a voice.

  • 1. The Big Question in Form Time

Each term, students spend an allocated form time discussing ‘The Big Question’. This question is chosen from key issues that have risen around school such as: how to improve the school extra-curricular timetable, what changes are needed to make school life more inclusive for all, and what improvements can be made to our school environment.

  • 2. Form Captain Meeting with Heads of Year

Each form’s discussion points about The Big Question are progressed to an official form captain meeting. This is a chance for each form captain to share their own forms opinions and discussion points with their head of year.

  • 3. Head Boy/Girl meet with Form Captains

A specific group of form captains then talk through all points raised in an intimate School Council meeting, that is chaired by our Head Boy or Head Girl. This allows our Head Boy or Head Girl to strategically highlight realistic and possible outcomes. These are then passed on to our school SLT team and Head Teacher.

4. Head Boy/Girl meet with SLT

Final decisions are made by our Head Teacher, Governors and SLT. These are stemmed from the input of our students. The outcomes are then fed back to all students through feedback videos presented by our Senior Student Leaders.

2024 -2025 Big Questions

Term 1 (W.C 16th September – W.C 16th December)

  • How can we celebrate student’s successes in the wider community? 
  • Students have been nominated by parents, friends and teachers.
  • Nominees are being recognised and celebrated in assemblies with certificates and their successes are shared via our newsletter and via social media each week. 

Term 2 (W.C 20th January – W.C 31st March)

  • How can we make further use of the diggery and provide access to more students?

Term 3 (W.C 5th May – W.C 14th July)

  • Question TBC