Why learn History?

The study of History will help our pupils understanding of their local area, their country and the wider world.  It will give them a wider understanding of the world they live in and help them answer difficult questions such as:

  • Why do wars happen? 
  • Why is Britain a democracy?
  • How did Britain become a major power?
  • What do we mean by left and right wing in politics?
  • Why do we have a welfare system?  
  • How have we come to live in a multi-cultural society?

History will also teach our pupils a range of important skills that will help them in their future studies and careers.  These skills include:

  • Excellent communication and writing skills 
  • How to construct an argument 
  • Research skills 
  • Investigation and problem-solving skills 
  • Analytical and interpretation skills

Finally studying History can lead on to exciting job opportunities in the future in careers such as:

  • Journalism 
  • Law
  • Business 
  • Politics 
  • Archaeology 
  • Marketing 
  • Teaching

History Curriculum Overview

Please click the year group and half-term to view additional information.

Half Term 1
The study of a theme in British history before 1066.
What is History?
How and why did Britain change from the Stone Age until 1066?
Skills / application of knowledge
Start to identify the challenges of studying history and explain why contrasting interpretations are made.
Show knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of the periods studied.
Links to prior learning
Consolidate and extend learning from key stage 1 and 2.
Knowledge Quizzes
Introductory Test
Half Term 2
The development of Church, state, and society in Medieval Britain 1066-1509
Why was England invaded in 1066?
Why did William win the Battle of Hastings?
Skills / application of knowledge
Show knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of the period studied.
Explain and analyse historical events studied using second -order concepts.
Links to prior learning
Prior knowledge of Viking invasions.
Knowledge Quizzes
Essay – Causation question on the reasons for Williams victory at the Battle of Hastings
Half Term 3
The development of Church, state, and society in Medieval Britain 1066-1509
How did the Normans complete the conquest?
Skills / application of knowledge
Show knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of the period studied.
Analyse and evaluate contemporary sources to make substantiated judgements.
Explain and analyse historical events studied using second -order concepts.
Links to prior learning
Prior knowledge of previous successful invasions of England pre-1066, including the Romans.
Knowledge Quizzes
Source utility question.
Explain the importance question
Half Term 4
The development of Church, state, and society in Medieval Britain 1066-1509
How did people live in Medieval England?
Who had the power in Medieval England?
Skills / application of knowledge
Show knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of the period studied.
Analyse, evaluate and compare interpretations.
Links to prior learning
Prior knowledge of feudalism.
Knowledge Quizzes
Evaluation of two interpretations
Half Term 5
The development of Church, state, and society in Medieval Britain 1066-1509
What were the causes and impact of the Black Death?
Skills / application of knowledge
Show knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of the period studied.
Analyse and evaluate contemporary sources to make substantiated judgements.
Links to prior learning
Prior knowledge of feudalism and the importance of religion.
Source Utility
Knowledge Quizzes
Source Utility
Half Term 6
The development of Church, state, and society in Britain 1509-1745.
How did England become a Protestant Country?
Skills / application of knowledge
Show knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of the period studied.
Explain and analyse historical events studied using second -order concepts.
Links to prior learning
Prior knowledge of the importance of religion and the power struggle between monarch and church.
Knowledge Quizzes
End of Year Exam

Half Term 1
The development of Church, state, and society in Britain 1509-1745.
Why did Britain build an Empire?
What was the Transatlantic Slave Trade?
Why was slavery abolished?
Skills / application of knowledge
Show knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of the period studied.
Analyse, evaluate and compare interpretations.
Links to prior learning
Evaluation of interpretations
Knowledge quizzes
Evaluation of two interpretations
Half Term 2
Ideas, political power, industry, and empire: Britain 1745-1901
Why was Britain the first country in the world to have an industrial revolution?
Skills / application of knowledge
Show knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of the period studied.
Explain and analyse historical events studied using second -order concepts.
Links to prior learning
Prior knowledge on feudalism, empire, and slavery.
Writing a causation essay
Knowledge quizzes
Essay (causation)
Half Term 3
Ideas, political power, industry, and empire: Britain 1745-1901
What were working and living conditions like in industrial Britain?
How did the industrial revolution impact on Preston?
Skills / application of knowledge
Show knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of the period studied.
Analyse, evaluate and compare interpretations.
Links to prior learning
Evaluation of interpretations
Knowledge quizzes
Evaluation of two interpretations
Half Term 4
Ideas, political power, industry, and empire: Britain 1745-1901
Why and how did democracy grow in the 19th century.
Who were the Suffragists and Suffragettes and what was their impact
Skills / application of knowledge
Show knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of the period studied.
Analyse and evaluate contemporary sources to make substantiated judgements.
Links to prior learning
Prior knowledge on the growth of industrial towns.
Source utility
Knowledge quizzes
Source utility question
Half Term 5
Challenges for Britain, Europe, and the wider world 1901 to the present day.
What caused the First World War?
Skills / application of knowledge
Show knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of the period studied.
Explain and analyse historical events studied using second -order concepts.
Links to prior learning
Prior knowledge on empire and industrialisation.
Writing a causation essay
Knowledge quizzes
Essay (causation)
Half Term 6
Challenges for Britain, Europe, and the wider world 1901 to the present day.
Why did the First World War turn into a brutal stalemate?
Skills / application of knowledge
Show knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of the period studied.
Explain and analyse historical events studied using second -order concepts.
Links to prior learning
Prior knowledge of the rival alliances and the Schlieffen plan
Source utility
Knowledge quizzes
End of year exam

Half Term 1
Challenges for Britain, Europe, and the wider world 1901 to the present day.
The Battle of the Somme (Success or Failure)
The defeat of Germany in 1918
Why was Nicholas II overthrown in February 1917?
Skills / application of knowledge
Show knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of the period studied.
Analyse, evaluate and compare interpretations.
Links to prior learning
Prior knowledge on the causes and events of the First World War and the impact of the industrial Revolution.
Knowledge Quizzes
Evaluation of two interpretations.
Half Term 2
Challenges for Britain, Europe, and the wider world 1901 to the present day.
Who was Karl Marx and why did he criticise capitalism?
Why did Russia have a second revolution in October 1917 and what was its impact?
How did Adolf Hitler and the Nazis come to power in Germany?
Skills / application of knowledge
Show knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of the period studied.
Explain and analyse historical events studied using second -order concepts.
Links to prior learning
The impact of the Industrial Revolution.
The causes, events, and end of the First World War.
Knowledge Quizzes
Essay - Analysis of the importance of two factors in causing the February Revolution (causation)
Half Term 3
Challenges for Britain, Europe, and the wider world 1901 to the present day.
How did Adolf Hitler and the Nazis come to power in Germany?
How did the Nazis establish a Dictatorship?
What was life like in Nazi Germany?
Skills / application of knowledge
Show knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of the period studied.
Explain and analyse historical events studied using second -order concepts.
Links to prior learning
Knowledge of Marxist ideas and Communism in the Soviet Union.
The features of a democratic society.
Knowledge Quizzes
Explain question on the importance of the Munich Putsch.
Essay – Causation question analysing the reasons why the Nazis came to power.
Half Term 4
Challenges for Britain, Europe, and the wider world 1901 to the present day.
What was the Holocaust and why did it happen?
Skills / application of knowledge
Show knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of the period studied.
Analyse and evaluate contemporary sources to make substantiated judgements.
Links to prior learning
Knowledge of the spread of Christianity across Europe, 
The Nazi Party programme, Communism, and capitalism.
Knowledge Quizzes
Source utility question.
Half Term 5
The study of a significant society in world history
The expansion west of the USA in the mid-19th century.
Skills / application of knowledge
Knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of period studied.
Explain and analyse using second order historical concepts.
Links to prior learning
Knowledge of Columbus and the early British colonies, 
The impacts of economic depression.
Describe questions.
Half Term 6
The study of a significant society in world history
The expansion of the USA in the mid-19th century
How was the culture of the Plains Indians different to that of white Americans?
Skills / application of knowledge
Knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of period studied.
Explain and analyse using second order historical concepts.
Links to prior learning
The impact of economic depression.
Key Christian teachings.
Knowledge of a capitalist economy.
End of Year exam (including describe, explain and causation questions)

Half Term 1
Why was there increased conflict between the Plains Indians and US government in the 1850s and 1860s?
What were the causes and outcome of the Utah War?
What were the causes of the American Civil War?
Skills / application of knowledge
Knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of period studied.
Analyse, evaluate and make substantiated judgements about interpretations.
Explain and analyse using second order historical concepts.
Links to prior learning
Prior knowledge of agricultural and industrial society; the American constitution, and the federal system of government.
End of Unit exam
Half Term 2
What was the impact of the Civil War on the American people?
What were the political, social, and economic consequences of the American Civil War?
How did the Homesteaders survive on the Great Plains?
How was ‘the Indian Problem’ resolved?
Skills / application of knowledge
Knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of period studied.
Analyse, evaluate and make substantiated judgements about interpretations.
Explain and analyse using second order historical concepts.
Links to prior learning
Prior knowledge of the social and economic differences between North and South; the challenges of living and farming on the Plains; the policy of concentration.
End of Unit exam
Half Term 3
How good a job did the peacemakers do at the end of the First World War?
Why did the League of Nations fail to keep international peace?
Skills / application of knowledge
Knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of period studied.
Explain and analyse using second order historical concepts.
Analyse and evaluate contemporary sources to make substantiated judgements.
Links to prior learning
Prior knowledge of the causes of the First World War, the nature of trench warfare, the end of the War, the Wall Street Crash and Great Depression
End of Unit exam (covering all unit assessment questions)
Half Term 4
Why did the League of Nations fail to keep international peace?
What were the causes of the Second World War?
Skills / application of knowledge
Knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of period studied.
Explain and analyse using second order historical concepts.
Analyse and evaluate contemporary sources to make substantiated judgements.
Links to prior learning
Prior knowledge of the rise to power of Adolf Hitler, Hitler’s beliefs about the end of the First World War.
End of Unit exam (covering all unit assessment questions)
Half Term 5
What were the causes of the Second World War?
How did the Normans conquer England?
Skills / application of knowledge
Knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of period studied.
Explain and analyse using second order historical concepts.
Analyse and evaluate contemporary sources to make substantiated judgements.
Links to prior learning
Prior knowledge of the causes of the succession crisis following the death of Edward the Confessor
End of Unit exam
Half Term 6
How did the Normans conquer England?
Skills / application of knowledge
Knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of period studied.
Analyse, evaluate and make substantiated judgements about interpretations.
Explain and analyse using second order historical concepts.
Links to prior learning
Prior knowledge of the reasons for William’s victory in the Battle of Hastings.
Evaluation of an interpretation question
Explain question
Write an account question.

Half Term 1
Health and the People
Why did medicine stand still in medieval Britain?
Medieval medicine
Medical progress
Public Health in the Middle Ages
The beginnings of change
The impact of the renaissance on Britain; Dealing with disease; Prevention of disease.
Skills / application of knowledge
Knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of period studied.
Explain and analyse using second order historical concepts.
Analyse and evaluate contemporary sources to make substantiated judgements.
Links to prior learning
Prior knowledge of the causes and impact of the Black Death
Source utility question
Significance question
Comparison of different periods question
Half Term 2
Health and the People
A revolution in medicine.
The development of Germ Theory and its impact
A revolution in surgery
Improvements in public health.
Modern medicine
Modern treatment of disease
The impact of war and technology on surgery
Modern public health
Skills / application of knowledge
Knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of period studied.
Explain and analyse using second order historical concepts.
Analyse and evaluate contemporary sources to make substantiated judgements.
Links to prior learning
Prior knowledge of living and working conditions in 19th century Britain.
Prior knowledge of trench warfare during World War One.
Source utility question
Significance question
Comparison of different periods question
End of Unit Exam
Half Term 3
Norman England
How did the Normans conquer England?
How much did life change under the Normans?
Skills / application of knowledge
Knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of period studied.
Analyse, evaluate and make substantiated judgements about interpretations.
Explain and analyse using second order historical concepts.
Links to prior learning
Prior knowledge of the events of 1066 and the role of castles in Norman England.
Mock exams
Evaluation of an interpretation question
Explain question
Write an account question
Half Term 4
Health and the People
How much did life change under the Normans?
How did religion change under the Normans?
Skills / application of knowledge
Knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of period studied.
Explain and analyse using second order historical concepts.
Analyse and evaluate contemporary sources to make substantiated judgements.
Links to prior learning
Prior knowledge of the Feudal System and Domesday Book in Norman England.
Prior knowledge of religion in Norman England.
Evaluation of an interpretation question
Explain question
Write an account question
Half Term 5
Health and the People
The study of the historic environment (Durham Cathedral)
Skills / application of knowledge
Knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of period studied.
Explain and analyse using second order historical concepts.
Links to prior learning
Prior knowledge of Norman reforms of religion.
Essay on historic environment 
Half Term 6
GCSE exams