Personal Development

At ACSC we are not only driven to ensure our students achieve academic success, but also in how they develop their character, personal values, skills and attributes. Our curriculum extends beyond the academic classrooms and provides students broader life experiences to assist in discovering their own interests, talents and opinions.

In the ever changing wider world, students not only need academic success but also fundamental skills such as: resilience, confidence and independence but also teaching the importance of both physical and mental wellbeing.

We also have a vested interest in the future of our students and therefore, provide high quality and bespoke careers advice and guidance, personal to each individual, on how to transition to the next stage of their future. We prepare our students for life in modern Britain by:

  • Equipping them to be responsible, respectful, active citizens who contribute positively to society
  • Developing their understanding of fundamental British values
  • Developing their understanding and appreciation of diversity
  • Celebrating what we have in common and promoting respect for the different protected characteristics as define in law.

Integrated Personal Development

The importance of personal development in school is vital. However, to provide outstanding provision we believe the approach needs to be integrated into all aspects of school life.

PSHE Curriculum

  • Personal, Social Health Education (PSHE) including Health, Relationships and Sex Education mapped against the statutory requirements.
  • Weekly timetabled lessons with designated staff members.
  • Specific trained staff members.

Careers Guidance

  • Permanent Level 6 Careers Advisor in school.
  • Gatsby Benchmarks achieved in 2020.
  • Form Time.
  • Daily form time lessons across all year groups.
  • Specific themes related to personal development.


  • Weekly assembly slots delivered by a wide range of staff members and guest speakers on specific topics and themes.

Student Leadership Programme

  • A robust programme developed to allow students to take on a specific job role around school, gaining valuable work related skills in an area of interest.
  • Students develop skills on how to apply for job roles and improve their employability skills.
  • Student leader roles are available across all year groups.


  • A wide range of extracurricular activities are available for students. 
  • BOOST Clubs time table is available each term.

Pastoral Care

  • Each year group has a non-teaching member of staff assigned as a Progress Leader. This member of staff is essential in providing pastoral care to students throughout their journey through school.

Mentoring Provision

  • Mentoring is provided by teachers to KS4 students as they enter their GCSE studies.

Charity Events

  • ACSC is passionate about hosting and running charity events, which demonstrate to our students the importance of caring for others. 
  • Whole school charity events are carried out, as well as those students who plan, organise and run their own.

The Diggery

  • A new outside space to allow for an alternate learning provision.

Trip Information

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