Why learn French?

In today’s world it is becoming increasingly important to speak a different language and being able to do so has many benefits:

  • Open up a world of job opportunities: The world is changing fast and there are a growing number of careers which require people to be able to communicate with people in other countries. There are many courses at university which promote the study of a foreign language alongside another subject. 
  • Broaden your horizons: Have you thought about living and working in a different country?
  • Develop your employability skills: Key employability skills such as listening, presenting, creativity, problem solving, aiming high, staying positive, teamwork and leadership are all enhanced through the study of a foreign language.
  • A stepping stone to other languages: Learning French will give you an insight into how to learn a language. It will then be easier to learn a second language…or even a third!
  • Communicate with other people in their own language: This will give you a different perspective next time you go on holiday. International travel is so much easier when you can speak a different language.
  • Keep your brain healthy: research has shown that learning a language can help improve your memory and increase your attention span.
  • Understanding and appreciating different cultures: Learning a language promotes a deeper understanding of other cultures as well as your own and helps to promote positive attitudes.

French Curriculum Overview

Please click the year group and half-term to view additional information.

Half Term 1
nasals (on an en), SFC (ptsx), un/ une, oi, SFE, SFC v SFE, ç, j/ ge
greetings, number, age, months, birthdays, school equipment, (family/ pets), personality, likes and dislikes
j’aime + noun
present tense
full paradigms of avoir/ être 
gender of nouns: un/ une
questions with raised intonation
connectives: et, mais
negatives: ne…pas as a phrase
regular adjective endings as complement to verb
intensifiers: assez, très, trop, un peu, vraiment
aimer + definite article when expressing opinions
Skills / application of knowledge
Developing good pronunciation
Asking questions with raised intonation
Developing translation/ transcription skills at word level 
Listening for specific detail
Expressing opinions with aimer + noun
Links to prior learning
builds on the KS2 national curriculum
regular vocabulary tests
CAP 1: Importance of learning a language
CAP 2: personal information speaking assessment.
CAP 3: end of unit assessment (LRWG)
CAP 4: extended writing – me and others
CAP 5: phonics
Half Term 2
A week in my life
h/th qu, nasals (on en an un in), e v SFE, x-liaison, SFC, ch, SFC, u i/y, éau/ eau, eu
school subjects and opinions, teachers’ personalities, numbers to 100, telling the time, timetables, free time - what you like doing/ what you do, weather
aimer/ detester/ adorer + noun
car c’est + adjective
aimer + infinitive
present tense
full paradigms of regular  -er verbs
reference to paradigms of -ir and -re verbs
irregular verb faire full paradigm 
gender of nouns – definite article
connectives: et, mais, car
adjectival endings (S & pl) as complement to verb
aimer + infinitive
negatives – ne…pas
faire – impersonal verb (weather)
Skills / application of knowledge
Developing good pronunciation
Expressing opinions: adorer, detester + noun
Using connectives to extend sentences
Manipulating regular -er verbs to talk about what other people do
Manipulating the irregular verb ‘faire’ to talk about what other people do
Links to prior learning
verb paradigms: -er/ -ir/ -re verbs + faire
regular vocabulary tests
CAP 6: phonics, vocab and grammar summary
CAP 7: extended writing – a school day
CAP 8: extended writing – a week in my life
Half Term 3
My home
 r, -er (like é)ill/ ille, ville, nasals (on en an un in), e v SFE, SFC
where I live, rooms, descriptions of house/ rooms, daily routine +time/ sequencers, breakfast food and drink
aimer/ detester/ adorer + infinitive
present tense
reflexive verbs
il y a…/ il n’y a pas de…
definite/ indefinite articles
demonstrative adjectives : ce cet cette ces
pre-nominal adjectives (BAGS adjectives)
partitive article
aimer/ adorer/ détester + infinitive
Skills / application of knowledge
Developing good pronunciation
Expressing opinions using aimer + infinitive
Links to prior learning
verb paradigms – réflexive verbs
regular vocabulary tests
CAP 9: creative writing – a poem 
CAP 10: end of year assessment (phonics +LSRWG)
CAP 11: phonics, vocab and grammar summary

Half Term 1
My Holidays
nasals (on en an un in) -gn, r, a, é, u, cognates with é/ SFC, SFE, SFC + nasal on, ou
holidays: destination, accommodation, transport, activities,, weather
opinions : (R) aimer + noun
opinions : (R) aimer + noun + car/ parce que + adj
opinions : (R) aimer + inf + car/ parce que + adj
opinions : c’était…/ c’étaient + adj
present tense
perfect tense + avoir/ être verbs
il y avait
Il faisait + weather avoir/ être
R) gender of nouns
(R) un/ le,  une/ la, des/ les
(R) intensifiers : very, too, really, quite, a bit
ne…pas + perfect tense
(R) sequencers: first, then, after that, then, finally
connectives: donc, quand
Skills / application of knowledge
Developing good pronunciation
Links to prior learning
avoir & être used for the perfect tense
Using sequencers, connectives & intensifiers
regular vocabulary tests
extended writing – a past holiday
speaking – discussion about a past holiday
end of unit assessment (LRWG)
Half Term 2
My neighbourhood
 tion/ ssion, qu, liaisons. è/ ê, cognates with vowels, nasals (on om en an un in), eu/ ou, au eau o, ail/ aille, a, oi
where I live – where I live, location, places in the town and descriptions, using prepositions, giving directions, using two tenses together,
present tense 
perfect tense
il y a…/ il n’y a pas (de)…
using two tenses together 
(R)habiter – full paradigm regular -er verbs 
(R) reflexive verbs 
(R)gender of nouns
pre- & post- nominal adjectives & agreement
imperatives - formal
Skills / application of knowledge
Developing good pronunciation
Links to prior learning
using two tenses
talking about where I live
regular vocabulary tests
extended writing – a town
Half Term 3
My Future
 i/y, ç, h/th, ill/ille, ail/aille, nasals (on om en an un in
future plans, future job and reasons, future holidays, using two tenses together, using three tenses together
near future tense 
using two tenses together, 
aller – full paradigm
no article when talking about jobs
Skills / application of knowledge
Developing good pronunciation
Links to prior learning
verb paradigms – aller – irregular verb
regular vocabulary tests
end of year assessment (LSRWG)
extended writing – my life

Half Term 1
My Lifestyle
nasals (on om en an un in), a, i/y, SFC, eu, SFE, e, eu, au/ eau/o, ou, u, é
daily routine, telling the time, food drink & opinions, making sentences negative, parts of the body, illness and injury, sports, expressing opinions in different ways, saying ‘you must’
(R)perfect tense
(R)near future tense
present tense
il faut + infinitive 
reflexive verbs – 
manger/ boire – 
partitive article ‘some’
negatives: ne…pas, ne…jamais, ne…que, ne…personne, ne…rien
avoir mal à (+ definite article)
jouer à/ faire de + sports
il faut + infinitive
Skills / application of knowledge
developing good pronunciation
Links to prior learning
daily routine and reflexive verbs
regular vocabulary tests
extended writing – my daily routine
end of unit - LR
Half Term 2
Me then and now
è/ ê, ch ç, oi, qu, j/ge, tion/ ssion, liaisons, h/th, un/ une, gn, r, ill/ille, ail/ aille
personality and comparisons, relationships, appearance, clothing, social media, technology, music preferences, TV
present tense
imperfect tense – habitual meaning
regular/ irregular adjectives: position and agreement
comparative adjectives
reflexive verbs
using the present and imperfect tenses together
Skills / application of knowledge
developing good pronunciation
Links to prior learning
personal descriptions, using adjectives, expressing opinions and preferences
regular vocabulary tests
extended writing – me then and now
end of unit - LR
Half Term 3
Music & Technology
nasals (on om en an un in), a, i/y, SFC, eu, SFE, e, eu, au/ eau/o, ou, u, é
Musical instruments, instruments I play & why, music I like, describe type of music I like and why, describe favourite singer, how & when I listen to music, how I use technology, advantages & disadvantages of technology, 
Jouer de + instruments
Opinions & justification
Present tense
Description vocabulary
Direct object pronouns
Adjectival agreement 
Skills / application of knowledge
developing good pronunciation
Links to prior learning
Descriptions, opinions and justification, using present tense
Regular vocabulary tests
end of year assessment (LSRWG)phonics
Half Term 4
Timeline Holidays
è/ ê, ch ç, oi, qu, j/ge, tion/ ssion, liaisons, h/th, un/ une, gn, r, ill/ille, ail/ aille
production of a timeline demonstrating vocabulary and grammar from across all KS3 units
perfect tense
imperfect tense
present tense
near future tense
all grammar from KS3 is recapped
Skills / application of knowledge
developing good pronunciation
Links to prior learning
consolidates the full KS3 curriculum
regular vocabulary tests
end of KS3 task – my timeline

Half Term 1
   Ma vie en ligne
   Tu as une vie active ?
   Qu’est-ce que tu regardes ?
   Qu’est-ce qu’on va faire ?
   Qu’est-ce que tu as fait ?
   Jeux de la francophonie
Explicit Grammar:
·          Present tense regular & irregular verbs
·          C’est + adjective (opinions)
·          On
·          Négatives : ne...pas, ne…rien ne...jamais, ne…personne in present/ perfect tenses
·          Quel, quelle, quels, quelles
·          Near future tense
·          Perfect tense
Asking questions: intonation/  inversion of subject & verb/ addition of hyphen in perfect tense
Skills / application of knowledge
   Discussing different points of view
   Listening & transcribing
   Role plays
   Telling the time
   Past tense opinions
   Asking questions: past tense
Using present & perfect tenses together
Links to prior learning
   Building on tenses: present, perfect, near future
   Expressing opinions
   Asking questions
End mod 1 assessment
regular vocab tests
Half Term 2
   Une week-end en famille
   L’amitié est la clé du bonheur
   couleur famille
   La place des idoles
   famille, amour, gâteau
Explicit Grammar:
·          reflexive verbs: present tense
·          on & nous = we
·          possessive adjectives
·          adjectival agreement
·          position of adjectives
·          emphatic pronouns (receptive)
·          direct object pronouns
·          present & perfect tenses contrasted & used together
·          irregular past participles
adverb formation
Skills / application of knowledge
   Using sequencers, qualifiers/ intensifiers
   Describing a photo
   Using present, perfect and near future tenses
Links to prior learning
   Reflexive verbs
   Adjectives: position and agreement
   Combining tenses
end of mod 2 assessment
regular vocab tests
Half Term 3
   quelle est ta matière préférée ?
   c’est injuste
   as-tu fait des progrès ?
   souvenirs d’école
   les langues et l’avenir
Explicit Grammar:
·          comparative adjectival structures: plus/moins…que
·          il faut + infinitive
·          il est (+adj) de + infinitive
·          irregular past participles
·          Negatives: perfect tense
·          superlatives
·          imperfect tense
negatives: ne…aucun/ ne…ni…ni, ne…que
Skills / application of knowledge
   Giving opinions with reasons
   Expressing opinions, agreeing/ disagreeing
   Spotting present/ perfect tense structures in a text
   Asking/ answering questions in imperfect tense
   Using imperfect, present and near future tenses together
Links to prior learning
   Simple comparisons
   Perfect tense: past participles
   imperfect tense
   Combining tenses
End of mod 3 assessment 
regular vocab tests
Half Term 4
   bon appetit !
   bien dans ma peau
   ça ne va pas
   je change ma vie
   mieux vivre
Explicit Grammar:
·          Partitive articles
·          Pronoun ‘en’ with present tense verbs
·          Imperatives: ‘tu’ form
·          Modals + inf (devoir pouvoir vouloir)
·          Negative modals
·          À + definite article
·          Avoir mal 
·          Reflexive verbs: perfect tense
·          Simple future tense 
·          Irregular verb forms across 3 tenses
Negatives: ne…plus
Skills / application of knowledge
   Spotting small words that change meaning
   Giving advice: imperatives
   Role playing
   Using more complex structures
   Using three timeframes: imperfect, present, simple future
   Listening for clues: tenses
Links to prior learning
   Partitive articles
   Combining tenses
End of mod 4 assessment 
regular vocab tests
Half Term 5
   des vacances de rêve4
   on part pour la Corse
   le monde en fête
   guide de voyage
   vive les vacances
Explicit Grammar:
·          conditional tense: -er verbs
·          irregular future stems
·          il vaut la peine
·          forming questions En/au countries
·          Que & qui
·          Using the imperfect tense and the perfect tense
·          Past tense of modal verbs
·          Opinions
·          Relative pronouns: qui/ que
·          ‘In’
·          Modal verbs: perfect tense
Skills / application of knowledge
   Extending sentences with added detail
   Giving advice: il vaut la peine de/ il vaut mieux
   Forming different types of questions
   Using perfect & imperfect tenses together
   Creating complex sentences using relative pronouns
   Identifying positive and negative opinions
Links to prior learning
   Extending sentences
   Asking questions
   Combining tenses
End of mod 5 assessment 
regular vocab tests

Half Term 1
GCSE theme 3: My studies
   Recap: subjects and opinions/ justification 
GCSE theme 3: Life at school
   School uniform
   Describing the school day
   Describing school
   Compare schools in England and France
   School rules
   School trips
GCSE theme 3: education post 16 & jobs, careers choices and ambitions
   Career choices
   Plans, hopes and wishes
   Applying for jobs
   Case studies: jobs
Explicit Grammar:
Skills / application of knowledge
   Third person singular/plural verbs.
   Il faut/  il est interdit de.
   Present, Past, Future time frames.
   The pronoun “on”.
   Job nouns.
   The conditional.
   Perfect infinitive.
   Direct object pronouns 
   Verbs followed by à/ de.
Complex sentences in the future tense.
Links to prior learning
clothes/ adjectives/ school/ future plans
Full tiered mock 1 (Nov) – Use full past paper
Half Term 2
GCSE theme 2: Local, national, global and international areas of interest
   Recap sport, music, what makes you tick
   Problems facing the world
   Protecting the environment
   Ethical shopping
   Big events
GCSE theme 2: Home, town, neighbourhood, and region
   what would you change?
Explicit Grammar:
Skills / application of knowledge
   Present, Past, Future.
   Making connections between word types.
   Modal verbs (devoir / pouvoir) in the conditional.
   The passive.
   Indirect object pronouns.
Links to prior learning
sport/ music/ opinions/
Full tiered mock 2 (Feb) – Use full past paper.
Half Term 3
   Revision of units studied and exam preparation.
Smith’s proforma – RAG the curriculum – address any Learning Gaps.
Formal (terminal) GCSE –