“Without mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics.”
Shakuntala Devi – Indian mathematician and writer.
“Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit”
Stefan Banach – Polish mathematician.
At Ashton you will explore a whole new world of exciting maths. You will find it easier to understand these new concepts if you have mastered the basics that you have been learning at primary school.
In particular, we hope you will arrive at Ashton:
- Knowing your times tables (up to 12x12)
- Being able to mentally add, subtract, multiply and divide
- Being able to use formal written methods to add, subtract, multiply and divide
- Knowing the properties of numbers, such as their factors and multiples and whether a number is prime or not
- Being able to multiply and divide by powers of ten (10, 100, 1000 etc.)
- Having a strong understanding of proportional situations
- Being brave and resilient in applying your skills to solve novel problems
To support you in this, please use the following resources.
- This transition booklet is designed for students progressing from Primary to Secondary. You can find the answers here.
- If you are confident in all of the concepts in that booklet, you could stretch yourself by attempting a Junior Maths Challenge. This is a challenging set of maths questions designed for year 7 and 8 students; many of our students at Ashton will take part in this national competition. Here is last years challenge, along with the solutions and a video tutorial.
We look forward to welcoming you all in September.