11 – 16 October 2015

Image of Inter House Tug of War

The inaugaural Inter House Tug-of-War competition proved to be a huge success in the lower school. Over 200 students participated in yrs 7-8 with Clitheroe proving victorious in yr 7 and Finney triumphing in yr 8. Overall, Clitheroe came out winners....just!

Yr7:1st Clitheroe, 2nd Booth, 3rd Park, 4th Flintoff, 5th Finney, 6th Rigby.

Yr8: 1st Finney, 2nd Clitheroe, 3rd Booth, 4th Rigby, 5th Flintoff, 6th Park.

Overall Results

1st Clitheroe
2nd Booth
3rd Finney
=4th Flintoff
=4th Park
6th Rigby







Many thanks to the staff that attended for their support, in partucular Mr. Waring and Mr. Barrow for their assistance.

Tug of War

Tags: house