Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)

What is CSE?

"Child sexual exploitation is a type of child sexual abuse. It happens when someone makes a child take part in sexual activities when they don’t want to for their enjoyment. It can happen online and also in real life. Children often do not realise that what they are doing is wrong because the person abusing the child seems very kind and makes them feel special. The person abusing the child always gains power and control."

If you watched the drama on BBC1 called ‘Three Girls’, you will know how important it is to make sure our children are safe and educated about how to spot the signs of grooming.

When the safeguarding team, in school, are working with students at risk of CSE we always show them the Grooming Line. It is only when we show them the grooming line they begin to recognise that they are being exploited. Sadly though, the groomer can be so experienced that the victim believes everything they say.

The Grooming Line not only applies to sexual exploitation but also criminal exploitation. The criminal will work through the same process.

There are things to look out for to spot whether your child is being groomed. Please click on the links to read about these signs.

Many people who are groomed are approached on line although not exclusively. This can also happen in public places where children hang out. We would suggest that you ask to see your child’s phone from time to time to check who they have as friends and ask how they know them. 

If you do have any concerns, please feel free to call school and speak to one of the safeguarding team. If you suspect anyone grooming an individual, please contact the police on 101 or Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111 which can be done anonymously.