Next week we are celebrating Science Week. The week will consist of lots of fun activities such as form quizzes, treasure hunts with a lunchtime showcase of the staff members talents, bottle cars where students will design and race them and a the National Poster Competition.
The Treasure Hunt
Around school staff members will be wearing a science badges, once the students have found them they need to ask them what their ‘timed talent is’ and write it on their entry sheet. They then need to guess/estimate the length of time it will take them to complete their timed talent. Students who take part are then invited to the sports hall on Friday lunch time to race there cars. All students are also invited to watch the staff members performing their talents and we will time them. There will be prizes for those who complete the treasure hunt and those that are closest to the actual time. This is open to all years.
Bottle Car Races
Design and build a bottle car to enter into a race on Friday Lunch time in the sports hall. You can work alone or in a team. Prizes for the best design as well as the fastest car! You will need a bottle of your choice and for it to be decorated. Do not worry, the science department have all you need to get it moving including motors, batteries etc. Come along to lab 5 after school every day next week to build and practice. You are welcome to take items home and work on this at home too. Open to Y7, 8 and 9.
National Poster Competition 2024
British Science Week 2024 marks the Week’s 30th anniversary, with the inaugural celebration happening in 1994. You could think about scientific innovations since then, or explore 1994 itself – what was life like 30 years ago? The theme this year is ‘Time’. There are loads of STEM topics to explore! You could create a poster showing how a certain type of technology has changed over time, or even the advancement of time-telling technology itself. Budding poster makers could also go futuristic and show us how they think the world might look in years to come, or perhaps look at nature – lifecycles, lifespans, evolution and hibernation – nature is full of timely topics. Here’s what the judges will be looking for:
Creativity in approach – Innovative angle on the content or creative interpretation of the theme – don’t be afraid to think outside the box
Content – Clear, accurate and informative about a STEM topic
Effective communication – presented and communicated in an engaging way
We will have winners in school, and the top 5 will go on to be entered in the national competition
The wrap up of the week:
- Forms quiz – Friday 15th
- Treasure hunt – all week
- Bottle cars – design and race – all week
- Friday lunch time ‘show case’ – Friday 15th @ lunch
- National poster competition – all week