20 June 2024

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Well year 11, you have officially finished your time at Ashton. It has been an eventful journey through 5 years and one that my colleagues and I will look back on fondly. We have enjoyed seeing you develop from nervous children into confident young people, poised and ready to take the next steps in the adventure that is life. We have enjoyed sharing your successes and joys, and we’ve felt privileged to support you in less happy times.

One last piece of advice. Remember “PROUD” . It’s a good ethos to live by, and will stand you in good stead. Remember to live PROUD when everyone is looking, but more importantly when no-one is looking. That’s how you’ll know it really matters.

Miss Asquith


"What a journey"

So very proud of you all.

I've had the pleasure of being your head of year for the past 4 years and each year has been an adventure. You all have given me some special memories and for that i thank you. I am sure you will all have memories of your own.

Good luck for the future and wishing you all lots of luck and a lifetime of happiness.

Mrs Bibby


Year 11 Leavers

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